"Historical Evidence" Article Items

The Destruction of Gath

Posted on August 14, 2021 by

Categories: Archaeology, Biblical History, Biblical Names, Historical Evidence


The recent discovery of the destruction of Gath confirms the Biblical historicity of the period.  It is important because it is yet demonstration of how modern archaeology is confirming the Biblical narrative. Gath, Goliath, and David The mighty warrior Gath was one of five brothers who had come out to defeat the overwhelmed Israeli army.  Saul, the King of Israel, was despondent because it appeared all hope was lost as there was clearly nobody in his army who stood a chance in defeating Goliath in the natural.  Goliath yells curses at David and God, but the young shepherd boy is… Read More »

Herod the Great’s Death Date

The Herodium was the burial place of Herod the Great.

Posted on August 13, 2021 by

Categories: Biblical History, Biblical Names, Historical Evidence


When Did Herod the Great Die – The Eclipse and The Eagle The death date of Herod the Great is important because we know Herod was alive when Christ was born. Therefore, knowing Herod the Great’s death date will help determine the birth year of Christ. Ultimately, the death date depends upon understanding astronomy because it provides the data necessary to pinpoint the dates ascribed by Josephus.  Modern astronomy can determine the exact dates of many astronomical events such as lunar eclipses due to the orderly m movement of planets and their moons.  There is a historical event described by… Read More »

Ancient Secular References to Jesus

The historicity of Christ is supported by secular writers.

Posted on July 9, 2021 by

Categories: Biblical History, Biblical Names, Historical Evidence


I have discussed several ancient secular references to Jesus in another post evaluating the historicity of Scripture from a broad perspective.  In this article, I am going to concentrate on the evidence substantiating the historicity of Christ. The historicity of Christ is after all the most important question that must be answered regarding all of Scripture for as Paul said, if the Resurrection of Christ did not happen, then Christians are deluded and above all to be pitied.  If Christ did not exist, then neither did the Resurrection. I am only going to evaluate secular, extra-Biblical sources for the historicity… Read More »

Hardening Your Heart

Hardening of the heart is an expression going back to the ancient Egyptians. A heavy heart when weighed against a feather could mean a dismal future in the afterlife.

Posted on July 4, 2021 by

Categories: Biblical History, Historical Evidence, Philosophical


One of the most common colloquialisms is about hardening your heart.  According to Merriam-Webster, it means to stop having kind or friendly feelings for someone or caring about something. It would probably surprise most people that the expression derived from ancient Egypt and is important in the Biblical narrative. Hardening Your Heart Ancient Egypt was a place of customs that seem very strange to us today.  Many of these ancient customs are related to religious rituals the Egyptians followed concerning the afterlife. The Weight of the Heart ceremony was a procedure that the Egyptians believed occurred after death when you… Read More »

The Three Doomed Cities

The gospel is told in the stars in the constellations of the zodiac. These constellations are ancient in origin but many of the original names are Hebrew..

There are three doomed cities pronounced by Christ in the New Testament.  These particular cities had seen more miraculous events and the personal teaching of Christ for years, and yet they failed to understand.  They could not see the meaning of what was right before their eyes. Many readers are familiar with Christ’s pronouncement against Jerusalem, For the days shall come upon you when your enemies will throw up a bank before your, and surround you, and hem you in on every side, and will level you to the ground and your children within you, and they will not leave… Read More »

Textual Reliability of the Gospels

Bible Image

Posted on June 12, 2021 by

Categories: Biblical History, Historical Evidence, Textual


The reliability of the gospels is extraordinarily important to establish.  If they are not a reliable record of what actually happened during Christ’s life, then they would hold little value.  This is why the reliability of the gospels has been such an area of intense interest to theologians throughout church history. Skeptical authors have always held that the four gospels are folklore – just tales of epic stories that in reality represent a gross exaggeration and manipulation of actual events.  This is thought to have been done by ancient scribes interested in magnifying their country’s history.  These skeptics believe that… Read More »

Age of the Old Testament

Shrine of the Book houses the ancient Isaiah Scroll written about 200 BC including Isaiah 53 which gives a description in great detail about Jesus Christ - the coming Messiah.

Posted on April 16, 2021 by

Categories: Biblical History, Historical Evidence, Philosophical, Textual


Dating the Age of the Old Testament The age of the Old Testament has been debated for the past two hundred years – it is a very controversial and very important topic.  Traditionalists say the Old Testament was written many hundreds of years before Christ by the authors attributed to each book.  For example, the Torah (first five books in the Bible) was written by Moses, the Psalms mostly written by David, Proverbs written by Solomon, and the major and minor prophetic books written by their respective prophet. Recent handwriting analysis published in peer-reviewed journals lends credence to the traditional… Read More »

Finding the Truth

To know whether something represents truth, it needs to be read and studied.

Posted on April 9, 2021 by

Categories: Philosophical

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Finding the truth is one of the most important tasks people must perform during their lifetime. Frequently, this quest is accomplished early in life, with the rest of life-based upon that discovery.  These are the fortunate few who have seriously investigated the evidence and arrived at a conclusion upon which they can base their actions. Finding the truth implies there are falsehoods.  Believing in falsehoods will more likely get the believer into trouble than finding the truth.  Falsehoods often lead off into tangents, years spent climbing the ladder of success (however it might be defined) only to find at the… Read More »

Restoration of Israel

Jerusalem has been conquered many times through history; in this blog it was conquered in 586 BC by the Babylonians who destroyed the city and Temple.

Posted on February 18, 2021 by

Categories: Biblical History, Historical Evidence


The restoration of Israel is one of the most important Biblical prophecies to be fulfilled.  Israel had been destroyed centuries earlier by the Romans and its people dispersed throughout the world.  Jerusalem – the capital city – was destroyed. The Romans wished to destroy all memory of the ancient city of Jerusalem that was renamed Aelia Capitolina and then rebuilt in the style of a typical Roman town.  The new Roman city would be inhabited by Romans, and the city dedicated to Jupiter – one of the Roman gods. The Roman emperor had become so enraged with the Jewish revolts… Read More »

The Jubilee

Posted on September 15, 2020 by

Categories: Biblical History, Biblical Names, Historical Evidence


Scripture is like no other book; it tells the story of mankind from the beginning of time to the end of time. It does so with an authority not seen in other books because its inspiration comes from someone who knows everything. it was written by many people over hundreds of years, but its inspiration comes from the Creator of the universe.  The Creator provides the history of the universe in broad terms so that we might understand our place in the universe and the reason why we walk the earth. Modern science tells us the universe consists of multiple… Read More »