Items Posted In August, 2020

Labayu Letters

Mount Gazirim and Mount Ebal were ancient reminders that God expects the Hebrews to obey his laws.

Posted on August 31, 2020 by

Categories: Archaeology, Biblical History, Biblical Names, Historical Evidence


The Labayu letters are important in establishing the historicity of the Old Testament – especially some of its most contested parts.  There are 382 preserved letters from the Egyptian city of Amara.  About 150 of these letters were written from Canaan to the Egyptian pharaoh Amenhotep at around 1400 BC. Three of these letters were written by Labayu who was the king of Shechem while several others were written by other local rulers accusing Labayu of being an ally of the hated Habiru. The Habiru was an ancient designation of a people who first appeared in the 18th century BC… Read More »

Prayer in Public Schools

Prayer in public schools is a hot topic outlawed by Supreme Court.

Posted on August 14, 2020 by

Categories: Philosophical

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Teacher-led prayer in public schools has been forbidden by the Supreme Court for many decades.  Many Christians feel that the exclusion of God from public schools along with the promotion of secular ideologies has contributed to the failure of graduates to do better in life.  Certainly, this is a difficult topic in multicultural American schools and uneasy accommodation has been determined through multiple legal challenges in federal courts. To be clear, students and teachers still have the right to “voluntarily pray” in public schools, while “mandatory” teacher-led school-sponsored prayer is very limited.  Any mention of God by teachers or administration… Read More »

The Book of Job

Bad things happen to good people even in God's good world. The Book of Job is wisdom literature that tries to answer why that is so.

Posted on August 9, 2020 by

Categories: Biblical History, Philosophical


The Book of Job is considered the oldest book in the Bible and helps answer one of the biggest questions confronting modern-day Christians. Modern society tends of think of a cause and effect principle; that is, if you get an infection, you can be treated with antibiotics; if you jump off a cliff, you will likely die; if you do something wrong you will likely be punished.  This cause and effect principle is ingrained in a modern society wishing the world to be orderly, predictable, and government by science. But the world is not that way!  Sometimes good people suffer… Read More »