Items Posted In June, 2020

Giving Other People’s Money

The charitable giving of other people's money is common in secular society, but is only an imitation of real charity.

Posted on June 27, 2020 by

Categories: Charity, Social Values


Those who are in favor of a large, centralized government often believe giving other people’s money to charity is to be encouraged.  Those who pay taxes do not have a direct voice in how their money is spent, or how inefficiently the government redistributes their hard-earned dollars. Benjamin Franklin is from my hometown of Philadelphia and did many great and wonderful things as a Founding Father of our country.  He wrote an autobiography that has a story concerning the founding of a charity hospital in that city.  Many people living in colonial Philadelphia had medical needs that went unmet due… Read More »

The Ivory House

King David's Palace has been found in Old Jerusalem, along with a multitude of confirmatory artifacts including ancient bullae and pottery. These latter items confirm the historicity of Scripture confirming the David dynasty in the tenth century BC.

The Ivory House is mentioned in the Bible as a minor reference concerning the ancient Kings of the Northern Kingdom.  Its construction was influenced by Phoenician culture brought into Israel by Queen Jezebel. King Ahab was one of the more wicked kings of the Northern Kingdom of Israel reigning during the 9th century, BC.  Ahab along with his wife Jezebel greatly expanded worship of Baal and brought Phoenician customs into Israel.  These included such things as child sacrifice, fertility rights, idol worship, and sacrifices to a false god. The Bible gives them both a very negative portrayal and they both… Read More »

Suffering and Evil

A Christian understanding of the purpose of suffering and evil is to draw people closer to God.

Posted on June 18, 2020 by

Categories: Philosophical


The existence of great suffering and evil on earth has been difficult for many people to understand in a universe made by a loving God. Many cosmologists including Einstein, Hoyle, and Davies have questioned the existence of God due to the great suffering that is present everywhere on earth. Natural calamities such as  earthquakes, fires, floods, and climate change can cause one form of suffering that is independent of the activities of mankind or animals. Man-made disasters such as war, pollution or destruction of natural habitats can produce another form of suffering.  Animals can produce suffering of other creatures as… Read More »

Order of Creation

The early Earth was bombarded by a series of asteroids which periodically liquefied the rocks on Earth.

Posted on June 8, 2020 by

Categories: Biblical History, Cosmology, Science


“Higher critics” of the last two-hundred years have missed some of the most important historical features of the Genesis account of creation in the first chapter of Scripture.  A casual reading of the order of creation might lead the reader to believe the account suggests the creation of the stars before the Sun, or plant life existed prior to sunlight. Does this mean the ancient writer of Genesis who lived in an agricultural society could believe plants existed before the Sun, or is there a more likely explanation?  Is the story of Creation purely a mythological story or perhaps written… Read More »

Made For Life

The speed of light is now known not to change over space or time.

The universe seems to be made for life; it seems like the universe was made in such a way as to promote the existence of intelligent life.  The question that has plagued cosmologists for decades is how this extraordinary fine-tuning came into existence.  An analogy might help in understanding this problem. Your New Office Suppose you have just landed your first desk job.  It is your ideal position, one you have applied for many years ago but only now secured.  You can’t wait to get to work! You check in to human resources, get the key to your office, and… Read More »