"Social Values" Article Items

Christians often have a more conservative social opinion concerning many topics dividing the culture. These topics are explored here.

Homeschooling Achievement Scores

Homeschooling and Achievement Scores

Posted on October 25, 2022 by

Categories: Homeschooling, Social Values


Homeschooling achievement scores on standardized tests consistently show that homeschooled students score competitively with public schools.  Many studies even show that homeschooled students score better than students from public schools. Homeschooled Students and Their Achievement Scores Homeschooled students score about 72 points higher than the national average on the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and at the 77th percentile of the American College Test (ACT). Homeschooling advocates will often point to these results to demonstrate how homeschooling works and that students perform better than in public schools. Critics will say that these higher scores are due to compounding factors that give… Read More »

Charter Schools – Introduction

Homeschooling achievement tests tend to be higher than those from public schools.

Posted on September 7, 2020 by

Categories: Education, Social Values


Charter Schools Charter schools recently have been at the forefront concerning the education of America’s children.  It is clear to many that some public schools – especially in inner-city minority neighborhoods – have been a dismal failure. Education in the United States has been a topic of intense political concern since the foundation of the country almost 250 years ago. Public schools throughout history have enjoyed the support of the community as they provide a means educating children whose parents might have limited education themselves.  The education of children was thought important to enable them to become contributing members of… Read More »

Giving Other People’s Money

The charitable giving of other people's money is common in secular society, but is only an imitation of real charity.

Posted on June 27, 2020 by

Categories: Charity, Social Values


Those who are in favor of a large, centralized government often believe giving other people’s money to charity is to be encouraged.  Those who pay taxes do not have a direct voice in how their money is spent, or how inefficiently the government redistributes their hard-earned dollars. Benjamin Franklin is from my hometown of Philadelphia and did many great and wonderful things as a Founding Father of our country.  He wrote an autobiography that has a story concerning the founding of a charity hospital in that city.  Many people living in colonial Philadelphia had medical needs that went unmet due… Read More »


Homeschooling and Achievement Scores

Posted on May 4, 2020 by

Categories: Homeschooling, Social Values


The question as to who has custody of children has become a central issue in the homeschooling controversy recently opened by a Harvard Law professor, Elizabeth Bartholet.  She is the faculty director of the Harvard Law School’s Child Advocacy Program who recently wrote an article which proposes a ban on homeschooling. This ban is predicated upon the belief that government knows best what is right for your child with the implication that parents do not.  The article alleges that some parents choose homeschooling with the express purpose of abusing their children and do this by providing religious instruction. The author… Read More »

Charitable Giving

Charitable giving helps both the giver and the recipient.

Posted on May 3, 2020 by

Categories: Charity, Social Values

Charitable giving has been part of the American narrative since its founding.  The average citizen of colonial America supported the church, helped build hospitals, libraries, and supported higher education. Charitable giving has also been important to some of the richest Americans who ever lived.  Rockefeller was one of those Americans. John D. Rockefeller was one of the richest men who have ever lived. He is reported to have said, “God gave me my money” in 1905.  This quotation has been used to show the callousness and insensitivity of men of great wealth.  It sounds like justification for his hoarding such… Read More »

Fetal Ultrasounds and Abortion

Fetal ultrasound can determine the size, age, sex, and other characteristics of the pre-born baby.

Posted on April 29, 2020 by

Categories: Abortion, Social Values

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There is a relationship between improving fetal ultrasounds and abortion rates.  Three-dimensional fetal ultrasound is particularly useful in demonstrating the facial and body characteristics of an unborn child.  The earlier two-dimensional technology gave much less facial detail making the image look less human. In short, improving ultrasound makes the “lump of tissue” within the pregnant woman’s uterus appear to be just what it is – an unborn baby.  This helps to make the mother more informed about her pregnancy before choosing abortion. Planned Parenthood, Fetal Ultrasounds and Abortion The Washington Examiner recently had an article concerning the use of ultrasounds… Read More »