Items Posted In April, 2021

God and Evil

God Creating the World

Posted on April 22, 2021 by

Categories: Philosophical


God and Evil Why does God allow such evil to exist in the world?  Since God is all-powerful, why has he designed a world where there is so much pain and suffering? This is a question that has been addressed for centuries by some of the greatest Christian philosophers in an area of Christian apologetics called theodicy.  There are some very clear reasons why God might allow the amount of evil we now experience and we shall examine some of them here. There are two principles that God has put into the world we live in that mandate some degree… Read More »

Age of the Old Testament

Shrine of the Book houses the ancient Isaiah Scroll written about 200 BC including Isaiah 53 which gives a description in great detail about Jesus Christ - the coming Messiah.

Posted on April 16, 2021 by

Categories: Biblical History, Historical Evidence, Philosophical, Textual


Dating the Age of the Old Testament The age of the Old Testament has been debated for the past two hundred years – it is a very controversial and very important topic.  Traditionalists say the Old Testament was written many hundreds of years before Christ by the authors attributed to each book.  For example, the Torah (first five books in the Bible) was written by Moses, the Psalms mostly written by David, Proverbs written by Solomon, and the major and minor prophetic books written by their respective prophet. Recent handwriting analysis published in peer-reviewed journals lends credence to the traditional… Read More »

Finding the Truth

To know whether something represents truth, it needs to be read and studied.

Posted on April 9, 2021 by

Categories: Philosophical

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Finding the truth is one of the most important tasks people must perform during their lifetime. Frequently, this quest is accomplished early in life, with the rest of life-based upon that discovery.  These are the fortunate few who have seriously investigated the evidence and arrived at a conclusion upon which they can base their actions. Finding the truth implies there are falsehoods.  Believing in falsehoods will more likely get the believer into trouble than finding the truth.  Falsehoods often lead off into tangents, years spent climbing the ladder of success (however it might be defined) only to find at the… Read More »