"Big Bang" Article Items

Kalam Cosmological Argument

Cosmic inflation is the very brief time after the Big Bang when the Universe expanded at tremendous velocities - its existence has recently been proven.

Posted on October 19, 2021 by

Categories: Philosophical


The Kalam Cosmological Argument is an attempt to demonstrate the existence of God by showing the universe is created and not eternal or self-existent.  The greatest minds throughout history have attempted to characterize the universe. However, these characterizations were primarily philosophical, as there was no way to objectively evaluate the universe’s characteristics until very recently. One main concern of these philosophical meanderings was whether the universe was infinite in size and age.  Ancient Greek philosophers such as Aristotle believed that matter was uncreated and eternal, making the universe eternal. Jewish thought, informed through Scripture, believed all creation had a beginning… Read More »

The Laws of Nature

The Laws of Nature are orderly, often in higher mathematics, and beautiful.

The Laws of Nature as defined by Antony Flew represent the great order of the universe.  That there should be such order from a universe that originated from the Big Bang defies explanation and is one of the reasons why the atheist philosopher who fought for most of his life for atheism came to belief in God. Antony Flew was a British philosopher who was a popular atheist philosopher throughout most of the twentieth century.  In that capacity, he taught philosophy at some of the best-known colleges in the United Kingdom including Oxford, Aberdeen, and York University in Toronto. Flew… Read More »

Religious Belief

The Big Bang is the creation event of the universe occurring 13.78 billion years ago. The theological implications are obvious.

Posted on December 28, 2019 by

Categories: Cosmology, Philosophical, Science

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Emerging cosmology is consistent with religious belief and not with atheism.  That is a remarkable statement only because it is correct. I have always loved astronomy. While I was in high school, I was President of the Astronomy Club for three years, ground my telescope mirrors, and seriously considered going into astronomy as a career.  Religious belief seems to be consistent with emerging new cosmology. I was the kid who would go to the public library and check out the books on astronomy. I got to the point where I had read all the popular astronomy books written for the… Read More »

The Multiverse

The Andromeda Galaxy distance can be measured with Cepheid variables among other means. This is one of the few galaxies that is actually moving toward the Milky Way galaxy.

Posted on December 26, 2019 by

Categories: Cosmology, Science

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The multiverse has been proposed as a means for getting around the statistical impossibility of forming the universe by chance. A statistical impossibility is frequently taken as being any event that has less than one chance in 10^200. This number is chosen as the maximum number of events that could transpire since the universe began. This is derived as the number of cubic Planck lengths in the observable universe (3.6E+132) times Planck times since the universe began (2.4E+62) calculated from terms given here. Since this number is easily exceeded by the chance of several finely tuned physics constants to be… Read More »

Creation of Time

Posted on December 25, 2019 by

Categories: Cosmology, Science

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The Big Bang not only created at least the three dimensions we all inhabit, but it also resulted in the creation of time. The Big Bang One of the arguments against the Big Bang is that the laws of nature are unable to explain the amazing amount of life’s complexity on Earth for the past four billion years. He notes this advance is not possible given the second law of thermodynamics. This law indicates systems tend to degrade over time. This degradation occurs in all levels of order, complexity, and information. One physicist who promotes this view is Eric Lerner… Read More »

The Big Bang

The Big Bang is the creation event of the universe occurring 13.78 billion years ago. The theological implications are obvious.

Posted on December 24, 2019 by

Categories: Cosmology, Science

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One of the greatest discoveries in the last century was the mechanism of the creation of the universe in the big bang. Cosmologists have established the most likely model for this creation was at a point in time about 13.8 billion years ago. At this point in time – just as explained in Scripture, the entire universe came into being. The Universe includes all matter, time, and exotic matter flared into existence at a moment in time. The obvious theological conclusions associated with this beginning have been resisted by secular scientists. There have been many alternative proposals put forth to… Read More »

Heavy Metals

Relativity predicts the beginning of time and space just as in Genesis. Relativity is confirmed with the discovery of gravity waves associated with union of two neutron stars producing heavy metals.

Posted on December 21, 2019 by

Categories: Cosmology, Science

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The Earth is one of the most unusual planets in existence. It has a smattering of every natural element making not only life possible, but also the technology we know today. Some of the most unusual of these elements are heavy metals. These include some of the most important metals for our industry and economy including gold, silver, and platinum. Many of these heavy metals are radioactive such as uranium and thorium. Many of us have held silver coins (most of the coinage in the United States at this time does not contain any silver). We also may have gold… Read More »

Earth was Created

Posted on December 19, 2019 by

Categories: Cosmology, Science

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The Earth was Created for Exploration The history of scientific exploration involves the interpretation of scientific data. Our knowledge of the Earth, the Sun, the solar system, our galaxy, and the universe itself depends on our ability to explore.  The Earth was created to be in the proper place to enable exploration of the cosmos. We need to be able to measure, compare, and calculate in order to understand the cosmos. Understanding the cosmos requires measurement and observation of what is out there. Without certain conditions on our planet our planetary environment, such observation would be impossible. Scientific exploration could… Read More »

Speed of Light

The speed of light is now known not to change over space or time.

Posted on December 11, 2019 by

Categories: Cosmology, Science

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The speed of light is constant; it does not slow down over time, or even over great distances. The light from astronomical objects that are very far away does not slow down. The speed of light turns up in many equations of physics. Probably the most famous of these equations is Einstein’s famous E = MC2. This means matter and energy are inter-related through the speed of light constant. The ultimate speed in space is infinite – or so thought scientists for many years.  Until Einstein, physicists believed there was no limitation to the speed at which objects could travel… Read More »

Stars Are Different

Stars are very different from each other in terms of size, age, composition, color, brightness, etc.

Posted on September 29, 2019 by

Categories: Cosmology, Science

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Stars all appear to be about the same; tiny lights in the night sky. However, it may be possible to notice stars of several different colors on a clear night, especially red stars like Antares. Over the last two centuries, much has been learned about differences among the stars and how the two are precisely alike. It had been assumed that stars were basically the same and that their only major difference was their distance from Earth. Brighter stars were closer, and more distant stars were dimmer. Easy. But wrong. All The Stars are Nor Equally Bright William Herschel was… Read More »