"Big Bang" Article Items

The Divine Watchmaker


Posted on June 1, 2019 by

Categories: Cosmology, Philosophical, Science

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The Divine Watchmaker The illustration of a “divine watchmaker” has been a popular thought experiment to illustrate the involvement of an intelligent designer of life. The evidence for God as the Designer of the world has been a popular argument for the existence of God.  The appearance of design is everywhere and its presence admitted by even the staunchest of atheists such as Richard Dawkins. A classic historical example of the design argument is from the eighteenth-century British theologian William Paley and is called the “Watchmaker argument.” The argument is presented in his opus, Natural Theology published in 1802 and is presented… Read More »

The Multiverse

The Multiverse

Posted on May 31, 2019 by

Categories: Cosmology, Philosophical, Science

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The Multiverse No science concept has caught the public imagination more than that of a multiverse.  In the popular imagination, it is the theory that there are other universes present simultaneously with our own, with people resembling us acting out their lives along with a completely different storyline.  There is an infinite number of these stories producing an infinite number of outcomes. The multiverse has served as the background for a countless number of science fiction books and story lines of movies. This concept has also caught on with the cosmology community as well for somewhat different reasons.  The idea… Read More »

Imaginary Time

clock to measure time

Posted on May 29, 2019 by

Categories: Cosmology, Science

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Why Imaginary Time Many cosmologists have struggled with the theological implications of cosmological theories suggesting a beginning of the universe.  The absolute beginning poses nothing that existed prior to the origin of the universe from which the universe might develop. Cosmologists struggling with the theological implications of such a beginning have suggested our universe is only one of many other universes outside of our own – perhaps an infinite number.  This has been popularly termed the “multiverse” theory. Thus far, it is only a theory as there has been no confirmatory evidence that such a multiverse even exists despite its… Read More »

The Eternal God

God Creating the World

Posted on May 26, 2019 by

Categories: Cosmology, Science

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The eternal God is a centerpiece of Christian theology.  God’s existence is eternal in that he existed before time existed.  Time is considered a dimension such that it is a created thing similar to the other three dimensions of space. The Bible is the only holy book that unambiguously states that God existed before the beginning of time and that time itself even has a beginning. Before God created “the heavens and the earth,” God could do things even before the dimension of time was created.  The Bible alone describes God as acting independently of the physical world and its… Read More »

The Beginning of Time

beginning of time

Posted on May 25, 2019 by

Categories: Cosmology, Science

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One of the most amazing things about the Big Bang theory is that it predicts the beginning of time and matter.  For many years, theoretical physicists have attempted to revise the obvious predictions of Einstein’s theory of relativity concerning the expansion of the universe and the beginning of space and time.  This beginning leads to the possibility of a Beginner with all the theological implications of that conclusion. Recent scientific advances seem to make the case even more certain for the beginning of space and time.  Many have proposed a multiverse situation where continuous creations of an infinite number of… Read More »

Quantum Gravity

Quantum Gravity

Posted on May 24, 2019 by

Categories: Cosmology, Science

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The current understanding of gravity is based upon Einstein’s general theory of relativity which is itself based upon classical physics.  The other three fundamental forces (electromagnetic, weak nuclear force, and strong nuclear force) are described within the field of quantum mechanics which uses totally different formulations. Additionally, gravity is generally understood as operating within a large distance scale such as between planets, while the other three forces are operable on an atomic scale and subatomic particles. The field of quantum gravity attempts to understand gravity on a subatomic scale – generally at length scales near the Planck scale of about… Read More »

Oscillating Universe

The Sun

Posted on May 23, 2019 by

Categories: Cosmology, Science

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The steady-state model was a very popular model proposed during the late 1940s trying to explain the existence of the universe without the need for God.  By then, it was known the universe was constantly expanding.  The nasty inference from a constantly expanding universe must have had a beginning at some point in time.  The steady-state hypothesis held new matter was constantly being created (using some poorly understood natural method) throughout the universe such that even though the universe is expanding, its average density remains the same. This magically did away with the need for a beginning and more importantly, it… Read More »

Modified Steady State Universe

The Earth seems to have been designed for exploration of the cosmos with its clear atmosphere, position in the solar system and universe, and clear nights.

Posted on May 21, 2019 by

Categories: Cosmology, Science

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The Modern Steady State Universe The modern steady state universe cosmology suggested the universe was really infinitely old and infinitely large in size.  All matter throughout the universe was being spontaneously created to keep the density roughly the same in all directions..  The idea that matter could be created throughout the universe was never observed, but was more like a thought experiment to counter Big Bang cosmology. The modern steady state universe meant the universe could be infinitely old and infinitely large while maintaining its average density and observational characteristics over time. This was a very convenient construct as it… Read More »

The Expanding Universe

The expanding universe suggested a time when the universe started its expansion. This concept is still vigorously argued attempting to avoid need for a Creator.

Posted on May 18, 2019 by

Categories: Cosmology, Science

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The twentieth century was changed by the discovery of the expanding universe.  This discovery changed our view of the Universe and out place within it. Before the telescope was invented by Galileo in 1610, astronomers believed the universe consisted of only a few thousand stars and a few dozen nebulae. Telescopes and optics improved substantially over the nineteenth century allowing better and deeper visualization of the cosmos.  By the end of the century, the universe seemed endless with billions of stars and millions of nebulae. There seemed to be no end in sight – there seemed to be no boundary… Read More »

Paradox of the Dark Night Sky

Posted on May 18, 2019 by

Categories: Cosmology, Science

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The paradox of the dark night sky refers to the simple idea that if the universe were infinite in extent in every direction, then the night sky should appear bright – even brilliant.  This is because there should be an infinite number of stars in every bit of space in the sky you are watching.  The fact we do not see a bright sky is called “Olbers’ Paradox.” You go out at night after the moon has set and gaze upwards into the dark night sky punctuated by tiny dots of light such as from stars and planets. But why… Read More »