Items Posted In September, 2019

Stars Are Different

Stars are very different from each other in terms of size, age, composition, color, brightness, etc.

Posted on September 29, 2019 by

Categories: Cosmology, Science

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Stars all appear to be about the same; tiny lights in the night sky. However, it may be possible to notice stars of several different colors on a clear night, especially red stars like Antares. Over the last two centuries, much has been learned about differences among the stars and how the two are precisely alike. It had been assumed that stars were basically the same and that their only major difference was their distance from Earth. Brighter stars were closer, and more distant stars were dimmer. Easy. But wrong. All The Stars are Nor Equally Bright William Herschel was… Read More »

Capernaum Synagogue

Capernaum Synagogue

Posted on September 22, 2019 by

Categories: Archaeology, Biblical History, Biblical Names, Historical Evidence


The Capernaum Synagogue Finding an ancient synagogue in the Holy Land would seem to be unimportant – trival even.  We know from Scripture as well as from ancient records that Jews would congregate in a synagogue on the Sabbath.  There were multiple reasons for meeting in a synagogue, perhaps the most important of which would be to worship God and keep the Sabbath holy – set apart as being different from other days. Synagogues are not specifically mentioned in the Old Testament but are thought to have started after return from the Jewish Babylonian exile as a place for men… Read More »

Peter and Andrew’s House

Sea of Galilee

Posted on September 18, 2019 by

Categories: Archaeology, Biblical History, Biblical Names, Historical Evidence


Historians know the original house of the Apostles Peter and Andrew was in Bethsaida which he likely shared with his brother Andrew. Modern archaeologists have considered many of the Biblical sites as fictional places invented long ago by ancient Jews in which to stage their miraculous events. One such site thought lost to history was Bethsaida. Many scientists have scoured the shores of the Sea of Galilee trying to find this lost city and the house of the Apostles Peter and Andrew for years.  Because of this, doubt arose whether it could ever be found. It was an important city… Read More »

Jehu and the Black Obelisk

Jehu and Black Obelisk

Posted on September 11, 2019 by

Categories: Archaeology, Biblical History, Biblical Names, Historical Evidence


The Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser is another extra-Biblical source confirming the historicity of the Biblical narrative.  The obelisk illustrates the Hebrew King Jehu from the Northern Tribes of Israel paying tribute to the Assyrian king Shalmaneser. It is the most complete Assyrian obelisk yet discovered and is on display at the British Museum in London.  It is thought to have been created during the seventh century BC by the Assyrians in order to celebrate their regional conquests.  It was discovered in 1846 by archaeologist Sir Austen Henry Layard who was most famous for determining the actual location of the ancient… Read More »

Omri and the Moab Stele

The Moab Stele provides evidence for the historicity of the Old Testament.

Posted on September 10, 2019 by

Categories: Archaeology, Biblical History, Biblical Names, Historical Evidence


The Moab Stele The Mesha or The Moab Stele presents one of the most remarkable affirmations of Biblical historicity. It is constructed out of black basalt (or volcanic rock) bearing an inscription by a ninth-century BC Moabite King named Mesha. The Moabites were a population group that lived near the Israelites in the Middle East on the eastern shore of the Dead Sea with its eastern border on the Ammon River. The Moabite capital was Dibon, and this ethnic group frequently conflicts with Israel. This conflict is discussed in Scripture and in multiple extra-Biblical sources. Origin of Moab Ethnic Group… Read More »