"Better" Article Items

Christians do better in many categories of life, including wealth, health, emotional health, education, and contributions to society.

Those who attend church weekly achieve more than those who do not.  The influence of Christianity helps to modify our behavior.  We are more likely to achieve more in life due to this behavioral change.  This includes staying in school and graduating more often.  Those who graduate from school tend to get better jobs.  Those who get better jobs earn more money and often contribute more to society.

Christians give more to secular charities than others.  They will

support the arts more,
give more to the poor,
volunteer more,
join and support charities

The benefits to society from practicing Christians can hardly be overstated.

Christian Schools

Homeschooling and Achievement Scores

Posted on October 21, 2022 by

Categories: Better

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Many Christians and those with traditional values urgently try to get their children out of public (government) schools.  Public schools in many states have become a laboratory of social change, promulgating an anti-Christian belief system, promoting pornographic books to middle schoolers, and having drag queen performances to middle school students that would shock any adult. Public school boards in many states have become increasingly belligerent against parents, even hiding aspects of children’s healthcare from their parents.  Objecting parents have been labeled “terrorists” by some law enforcement agencies.  Public schools’ assumption of parental rights has resulted in backlash from parental groups. … Read More »

Christian Origin of Universities

The modern university system originated with Christianity.

Posted on May 31, 2021 by

Categories: Better World


The Christian Origin of Universities The Christian origin of universities has recently been recognized as one of the greatest contributions of Christianity to the larger society. The ancient Greco-Roman world certainly had its philosophers, poets, and great thinkers and orators.  All these great thinkers were involved in higher education as they wrote extensively regarding their area of interest.  Some historians have even suggested these thinkers developed the first “universities.”  The renowned Harvard history professor Charles Haskins was primarily interested in academic medieval history.  He is widely recognized as the first academic medieval historian in America.  He was primarily interested in… Read More »

Christianity and Education

Children in conservative Protestant familiar have increased academic achievement compared to their secular counterparts in government schools.

Posted on May 22, 2021 by

Categories: Better World


Christianity and education have been closely allied since the very beginning.  Christians understand that the world is knowable, that there is math behind much of the complicated machinery of the universe.  Furthermore, Christians believe we are meant to discover and explore our environment and figure out how to make the world a better place. Because of the recognition that the world is knowable, Christians have been at the forefront of science and education since its founding.  The modern school system with mandatory attendance, graded structure, and university system are all innovations that changed the world.  These innovations are largely responsible… Read More »