Archives: Dreams

Christian persecution is common throughout the world; this list represents only a tiny minority.

Origin of Life

The evolution of new enzymes by bacteria is discussed.

Posted on February 7, 2020 by

The Origin of Life The origin of life has been one of the most difficult problems facing abiogenesis.  One aspect of this problem is that several life chemicals are only present in either the right or left-handed form.  Furthermore, most organic chemicals are not found in space debris from sampled comets or in nebulae.  Their origin on earth remains a mystery since environments which would be conducive to the formation of some would destroy others. Jeff’s Call His phone call came at the worst time. In the morning, I usually have a clinic where I have a busy waiting room… Read More »

Statistics is the Grammar of Science

Statistics is the language of science

Posted on February 6, 2020 by

Sciences take statistics very seriously.  Statistics is considered the grammar of science.  It is possible to determine whether something is likely true or false using statistical analysis.  With this tool, we can tell whether something is likely to happen, or can never happen – statistics is the grammar of science. The ability to manufacture biological life proteins in the wild by chance is not statistically possible unless there is something very basic we do not understand.  We have already shown amino acids were not carried to earth in any quantity by comets or meteors.  Only one amino acid has been… Read More »

Rebirth of Israel

The birth of Israel satisfied Bible prophecy concerning the date of its founding.

Posted on February 6, 2020 by

The rebirth of Israel is foretold in the Old Testament many centuries before it occurred.  One of the most unusual passages in Ezekiel gives the number of years before that rebirth would occur.  It was one of the most obscure passages that remained mysterious until only the last century when its meaning became obvious. Ezekiel and the Rebirth of Israel Ezekiel was an ancient prophet of Israel living during the 5th century BC during some of the most tumultuous episodes in Israel’s history. The Northern Kingdom had been carried away into captivity by the Assyrians generations previously, condemned to death… Read More »

Is the Bible the Word of God?

Posted on February 5, 2020 by

This would be a difficult day for Jeff Bergen.  He was evaluating his recent angelic visits and was asking himself is the Bible the Word of God or just some book written by a fanatical religious community centuries ago.  The internet certainly was no help as there were strident opinions on both sides of the issue. Jeff started to admit to himself that maybe this is an important question for him to resolve, especially if he were going to die soon.  There did not seem to be a way to test this out – to see whether  Scripture was man-made… Read More »

Christ in the Old Testament

Christ is in the Old Testament in many people, but especially in Isaiah 53.

Posted on February 5, 2020 by

Christians understand Christ is mentioned all throughout the Old Testament. His birth time, life, type of execution, circumstances regarding his death are all well documented. Even the fact that he had a virgin birth is predicted centuries prior to his actual birth date. There is more information in the Old Testament regarding Christ that has only been recognized recently. This information describes the name of the individual associated with Isaiah 53 – the Suffering Servant passages. It is widely recognized that these passages refer to Christ although this is of course contested by non-Christians. We now know that Isaiah is… Read More »

Isaiah 53

The Crown of Thorns mockingly given to Christ during his execution.

Posted on February 5, 2020 by

Jeff had an introduction to Isaiah 53 in his earlier dream before he fell and sustained head trauma.  He was soon going to learn much more about this important bible verse. The Head Trauma Jeff had fallen in the rehabilitation center where he had been doing so well. Unfortunately, in the fall he struck his head hard on the floor and lost consciousness. He was found quickly by personally who had him initially evaluated and found that his vital signs were stable. He had an obvious gaping wound on the back of his head where he had struck the floor…. Read More »

Betrayal of Jesus

Christ was betrayed most famously by Judas, but also by most of his disciples who left him - especially Peter.

Posted on February 5, 2020 by

The Betrayal of Jesus by Judas The betrayal of Jesus is one of the most important events in Scripture.  It should not be a surprise it would be mentioned in the Old Testament as well as our more familiar New Testament.  Jeff was about to find out how important this betrayal as he is given more information by his visiting angel. More Time in the ICU The dream that Jeff had during the time he was unconscious on a ventilator was particularly long. Of course, that several day periods while Jeff was unconscious presented a good opportunity for the angel… Read More »

The Crucifixion

The crucifixion date was derived from an Old Testament prophecy from Daniel that Christ expected the Jews to know.

Posted on February 5, 2020 by

The Crucifixion of Christ was the next topic the angel discussed with Jeff. We all have a somewhat romanticized view of the crucifixion – at least compared to the real thing. We are all familiar with crosses – they are everywhere in Christian churches. Some of these crosses have the body of Christ nailed to the crossbeam – but they still are inadequately displaying the horror of the event. They do not portray the true horror of what a Roman crucifixion entailed – particular this one. Christ was beaten and tortured by the Roman guard prior to the actual crucifixion…. Read More »

The Christmas Star

The Christmas Star or Star of Bethlehem was a stellar event which was visible continuously or intermittently for multiple months.

Posted on February 5, 2020 by

One of the most beloved stories around the time of Christmas concerns the Christmas star.  Who were these Magi, and why would they be so interested in a country far away they most likely had never seen?  It would have been very dangerous for a caravan of rich people to travel months throughout the countryside as they would be an obvious target for thieves. There were important people in other countries all throughout the Middle East at that time – why would the Magi be so interested in this particular one? Recent developments in computer science and astronomy in general… Read More »

Birth of Israel

The Israeli Flag of the returned people of Israel.

Posted on February 5, 2020 by

The birth of Israel is one of the most important Biblical prophecies to be fulfilled in history. Not only did the nation return from extinction, it also returned with its own ancient language. No other civilization in history has ever been scattered to other countries and then come back again as its own country and civilization. And yet, this return of the Jews to their own country was foretold thousands of years before it occurred. The fulfillment of prophecy is one of the strongest verification of the Biblical narrative. The return of Israel after being scattered in what has become known… Read More »