Items Posted In October, 2019

Jerusalem Governors’ Seals

Wailing Wall

Posted on October 31, 2019 by

Categories: Archaeology, Biblical History, Biblical Names, Historical Evidence


Another amazing archaeological discovery has been made in Israel with the discovery of ancient Jerusalem Governors’ seals. These seals are tremendously important because they help to confirm the historicity of the Bible. There have been many similar discoveries made in recent years, everything from seals belonging to Isaiah, jailors of Jeremiah, the Pontius Pilate ring, and a clay impression made for Jezebel. The newest addition to this list was found in excavations in the Western Wall area of Jerusalem. It is amazing that such discoveries are still being made in such a highly trafficked area but has apparently been overlooked… Read More »

Pontius Pilate’s Street

Wailing Wall

Posted on October 28, 2019 by

Categories: Archaeology, Biblical History, Biblical Names, Historical Evidence


Pontius Pilate of Biblical fame is thought to have built a street in Jerusalem now referred to as Pontius Pilate’s Street. He was the Roman prefect of Judea at the time of Christ’s trial and execution. This fact alone has guaranteed Pilate’s infamy throughout all time as he ordered the execution of Christ. There are few historical artifacts related to Pilate including a ring which might have belonged to him, and the so-called Pontius Pilate Stone which bears an inscription including his name. There has been little uncovered archaeologically related to this man of such importance. The recent discovery of… Read More »

Royal Steward Temple Seal

Wailing Wall

Posted on October 25, 2019 by

Categories: Archaeology, Biblical History, Biblical Names, Historical Evidence


The Royal Steward Seal from the First Temple era in the 7th century BC has been uncovered in Jerusalem. Excavated from the foundations of the Western Wall demonstrate the presence of Jewish people in the land of modern-day Israel dating back 2700 years.  This discovery is extremely important as it establishes Jewish history in Palestine for thousands of years. The Royal Steward Seal Archaeological explorations throughout the land of modern-day Israel continue to affirm the Biblical narrative. Earth excavated from the foundations of the Western Wall in 2013 has yielded many artifacts dating back to the First Temple period in… Read More »

Being an Agnostic

Bible with Hands

Posted on October 6, 2019 by

Categories: Philosophical


An agnostic is somebody who states he “does not know” about the existence of God.  Being an agnostic means you accept the possibility that there might be a God but remain unconvinced of his existence. The term was originally proposed by Thomas Huxley in 1869 who said, It simply means that a man shall not say he knows or believes that which he has no scientific grounds for professing to know or believe. The basic idea of Huxley’s objection is that the existence of God is unknowable – it is not possible to say without a doubt whether God either… Read More »

Christ – The Only Way to God?

Christian Cross

Posted on October 3, 2019 by

Categories: Philosophical


Probably no assertion of Christianity is as offensive to more people than the assertion that Christ is the only way to God. It is an integral part of Christianity because it is so clearly stated in Scripture. It is difficult to be a Christian without also believing in the absolute uniqueness of Christianity to bridge the gap between God and man. Such a reality is explicitly detailed in Scripture, so if Christians believe in the truth of Scripture, they also believe in the truth of this exclusivity claim; there is no other way to God. Christ was very clear when… Read More »