Items Posted In December, 2020

Cellular Factories

The chemical pathways for the production of DNA, RNA, proteins, and other life molecules is unknown.

Posted on November 8, 2020 by

Categories: Biology, Science

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Cellular Factories Cellular factories are present in every living cell, making the vast amounts of organic molecules required for life.  The cell can be likened to a factory where components required for cellular functions are continually made on-demand, and waste products are simultaneously packaged for disposal.  It is a very tightly controlled factory with very little wasted activity. Enzymes control much of this functionality, with multiple feedback loops controlling whether a particular cellular product is needed. It is very complicated.  It is rather like a fractal painting – the closer you look, the more detail you see – the most… Read More »

Zircon Crystals

The early Earth was bombarded by a series of asteroids which periodically liquefied the rocks on Earth.

Posted on October 16, 2020 by

Categories: Archaeology, Historical Evidence


Zircon Crystals and Earth’s Age Zircon crystals are thought to represent some of the oldest surviving materials on earth.  The ancient earth was a very inhospitable places imaginable with soaring heat due to the constant bombardment of our planet by asteroids and comets.  The surface was molten rock, constantly heated by these collisions releasing huge amounts of heat which quickly melted any solidifying rock. Zircon crystals are some of the toughest materials on the planet.  Scientists have located some of these crystals in ancient rock sprouting from the ground in the Jack Hills range located in Western Australia.    These… Read More »


The Earth seems to have been designed for exploration of the cosmos with its clear atmosphere, position in the solar system and universe, and clear nights.

Posted on October 8, 2020 by

Categories: Biology, Science

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Information and Life All life on earth is made from organic molecules. An organic compound is any chemical compound containing carbon-hydrogen bonds.  The propensity for carbon to form chains and complex structures means there are millions of organic molecules possible. Only a minuscule portion of the possible organic molecules possible are used in all life; these are referred to a life organic molecules.  Examples of these would be glucose or simple sugar, and proteins which are chains of other organic molecules called amino acids. Biology textbooks frequently suggest that given enough time under the right condition, the right organic molecules… Read More »

Yitzhak Kaduri

Kaduri was the most senior rabbi in Jerusalem who quoted the Messiah as Jesus.

Posted on September 21, 2020 by

Categories: Biblical Names, Historical Evidence, Textual

One of the most remarkable – and controversial – news stories out of Israel concerns the renowned Ultra-Orthodox teacher of Israel – Yitzhak Kaduri. He was apparently a remarkable man revered by Jews all throughout Israel as a man of God and was a rabbi’s rabbi. He was born on July 9, 1898, in Baghdad as Yitzhak Diba who studied the Torah and the Kaballah, and was considered very intelligent.  He memorized much of the Scriptures and texts and was able to give advice to those who would ask. Everybody who knew the rabbi recognized him as a great man… Read More »

The Jubilee

Posted on September 15, 2020 by

Categories: Biblical History, Biblical Names, Historical Evidence


Scripture is like no other book; it tells the story of mankind from the beginning of time to the end of time. It does so with an authority not seen in other books because its inspiration comes from someone who knows everything. it was written by many people over hundreds of years, but its inspiration comes from the Creator of the universe.  The Creator provides the history of the universe in broad terms so that we might understand our place in the universe and the reason why we walk the earth. Modern science tells us the universe consists of multiple… Read More »

Charter Schools – Introduction

Homeschooling achievement tests tend to be higher than those from public schools.

Posted on September 7, 2020 by

Categories: Education, Social Values


Charter Schools Charter schools recently have been at the forefront concerning the education of America’s children.  It is clear to many that some public schools – especially in inner-city minority neighborhoods – have been a dismal failure. Education in the United States has been a topic of intense political concern since the foundation of the country almost 250 years ago. Public schools throughout history have enjoyed the support of the community as they provide a means educating children whose parents might have limited education themselves.  The education of children was thought important to enable them to become contributing members of… Read More »

Labayu Letters

Mount Gazirim and Mount Ebal were ancient reminders that God expects the Hebrews to obey his laws.

Posted on August 31, 2020 by

Categories: Archaeology, Biblical History, Biblical Names, Historical Evidence


The Labayu letters are important in establishing the historicity of the Old Testament – especially some of its most contested parts.  There are 382 preserved letters from the Egyptian city of Amara.  About 150 of these letters were written from Canaan to the Egyptian pharaoh Amenhotep at around 1400 BC. Three of these letters were written by Labayu who was the king of Shechem while several others were written by other local rulers accusing Labayu of being an ally of the hated Habiru. The Habiru was an ancient designation of a people who first appeared in the 18th century BC… Read More »

Prayer in Public Schools

Prayer in public schools is a hot topic outlawed by Supreme Court.

Posted on August 14, 2020 by

Categories: Philosophical

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Teacher-led prayer in public schools has been forbidden by the Supreme Court for many decades.  Many Christians feel that the exclusion of God from public schools along with the promotion of secular ideologies has contributed to the failure of graduates to do better in life.  Certainly, this is a difficult topic in multicultural American schools and uneasy accommodation has been determined through multiple legal challenges in federal courts. To be clear, students and teachers still have the right to “voluntarily pray” in public schools, while “mandatory” teacher-led school-sponsored prayer is very limited.  Any mention of God by teachers or administration… Read More »

The Book of Job

Bad things happen to good people even in God's good world. The Book of Job is wisdom literature that tries to answer why that is so.

Posted on August 9, 2020 by

Categories: Biblical History, Philosophical


The Book of Job is considered the oldest book in the Bible and helps answer one of the biggest questions confronting modern-day Christians. Modern society tends of think of a cause and effect principle; that is, if you get an infection, you can be treated with antibiotics; if you jump off a cliff, you will likely die; if you do something wrong you will likely be punished.  This cause and effect principle is ingrained in a modern society wishing the world to be orderly, predictable, and government by science. But the world is not that way!  Sometimes good people suffer… Read More »