Items Posted In November, 2019

Intelligent Design

Intelligent design uses the scientific method and specific algorithms to determine whether complexity and information allow the inference of intelligent origins.

Posted on November 29, 2019 by

Categories: Biology, Intelligent Design, Science

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Intelligent design or ID has been in the news recently where it is usually criticized for various reasons. Intelligent design can be described as studying patterns in nature that are best described as created by intelligence. For example, are the words in a book more likely created by intelligence or by accident. Another example would be whether Mount Rushmore is the result of natural wind and erosion or intelligence. The answers to these questions seem easy – and it is. We all know intuitively that complicated structures that contain information are more likely created by intelligence. We also understand that… Read More »

The Sifting Project


Posted on November 28, 2019 by

Categories: Archaeology, Biblical History, Historical Evidence


The Sifting Project attempts to locate ancient artifacts in discarded debris from the Temple Mount from 1999.  At that time, access construction into an underground structure removed thousands of tons of sensitive debris. Historical Importance There has long been controversy about whether Scripture portrays an accurate representation of actual history.  Skeptics question whether any of the characters actually lived.  They also question whether many of the civilizations in Scripture actually existed. Organizations within the United Nations have even questions whether there is a legitimate history of Jews in Palestine. Recent history makes this determination much more important. Arguments question whether… Read More »

Why Does the Sun Shine

The Sun

Posted on November 27, 2019 by

Categories: Cosmology, Science

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Astronomers have pondered the question ‘why does the Sun shine” for centuries.  Recent discoveries in nuclear physics have finally provided answers to this question. It turns out that the Sun’s radiant energy is explained by our current understanding of nuclear physics.  This understanding is explained further below. How Stars Like the Sun are Formed The space between stars is mostly very empty with a density about one atom per cubic centimeter.   There are interstellar clouds of matter swirling in space which possess a much greater density.  These clouds are in a balance between expansion and collapse. As the interstellar cloud… Read More »

God and the Problem of Evil


Posted on November 27, 2019 by

Categories: Philosophical

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God and the Problem of Evil One of the most difficult aspects of understanding God and the problem of evil is the amount of evil there is in the world.  Atheists often suggest the amount of evil present throughout the world strongly argues against the presence of a loving God.  They argue the intense suffering of so many people throughout the many thousands of years defies belief in any God they could rely upon or worship. Innocent children die from cancer; terrible tragedies occur all the time; natural disasters wipe out thousands of people, wars consume the treasuries of countries,… Read More »

Aide to Biblical King Josiah


Posted on November 26, 2019 by

Categories: Archaeology, Biblical History, Biblical Names, Historical Evidence


Archaeologists discovered evidence for an aide to Biblical King Josiah in recent explorations in Israel. Archaeology has come a long way over the past few decades since proving the existence of Biblical King David in 1993. It seems every year there are new findings of ancient artifacts proving the existence of Biblical characters thought until now to be largely fictional. Some of these have been dug up in the Sifting Project which examines dirt illegally excavated from the Temple Mount and discarded. Others are excavated from mounts of dirt scattered Israel and surrounding countries which have never been explored. Even… Read More »

Objections to the Resurrection

Christian Cross

Posted on November 25, 2019 by

Categories: Biblical History, Historical Evidence, Philosophical, Resurrection


Some modern theologians have objections to the resurrection.  However, most historians – even the atheist and agnostic ones – agree on the historicity of the events surrounding the resurrection of Christ. The minimal facts approach proposes at least five facts which are generally agreed by everybody; Christ Died by Crucifixion The Empty Tomb There were Credible Witnesses to the Resurrection Many of the Original Skeptics were Converted to Christianity The Explosive Growth of the Christian Church There are still some imaginative excuses offered by skeptics who may not agree with some or all of the above noted minimal facts. These… Read More »

The Resurrection

The resurrection of Christ is at the center of Christianity; if not true, then Christianity is false.

Posted on November 24, 2019 by

Categories: Biblical History, Historical Evidence, Philosophical, Resurrection


The resurrection of Christ is at the center of Christianity. While there may be different beliefs among churches as to exactly what Christ’s resurrection means for mankind, the historicity of the resurrection is a central belief shared by all Christian faiths. It is one of those non-negotiable beliefs that is required to be called a Christian. If there was no resurrection, then all the sacrifices Christians have made over hundreds of years, all the money invested in Christianity, all the time and service spent by countless millions of people, all of it would be useless. It would mean we are… Read More »

The Rolling Stones

The Garden Tomb in Jerusalem - one of the traditional burial sites of Christ.

Posted on November 22, 2019 by

Categories: Archaeology, Biblical History, Historical Evidence, Philosophical, Resurrection

According to the most popular Bible translations, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary arrived at Christ’s tomb and found the stone protecting the entrance to the tomb mysteriously had been “rolled away.” Most of the tombs in ancient Jerusalem had huge stones blocking the opening of the tomb in order to close it off from the outside world. The tomb was protected by these blocking stones for ritualistic reasons but also for practical purposes to keep wild animals out of the tombs. It has been a tradition to believe the stone that was in front of the opening to the… Read More »

Bible Translations

Bible Image

Posted on November 20, 2019 by

Categories: Philosophical

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People investigating the claims of Christianity are frequently confused by the multiple Bible translations in the English language.  The number of these versions can be truly overwhelming!  It would seem logical for something as important as the communication of God with mankind that there would be a definitive translation that gives the exact meaning of the oldest manuscripts. It seems like each generation produces at least one new Bible translations  This becomes important because some of the differences in Bible translations can change the meaning of the underlying text. To better understand how this confusion came about, it is important… Read More »

Christ’s Miracles

Water into Wine

Posted on November 17, 2019 by

Categories: Biblical History, Philosophical


The gospels portray many of Christ’s miracles throughout his three year ministry. Some are rather mundane such as turning water into wine, while others are spectacular such as raising people from the dead. Such miracles seem – well, unbelievable. Many have argued over the years that these miracles were merely written into the Christ narratives by followers who wanted to glorify their leader. Skeptics point out that modern science has discredited these miracles and suggests other alternatives. We can watch magicians on television do what appears to be miraculous but we all know it is just an illusion.  Many suggest… Read More »