"Resurrection" Article Items

The resurrection of Christ is the centerpiece of Christianity; it is also one of the most proven aspects of ancient history. Even most secular scholars admit in the reality of Christ, that he died on a cross, and was buried in a tomb that was empty the next day. What happened to the body is the main point of contention.

Why Christ was Crucified

The resurrection of Christ is the central feature of Christianity.

Posted on April 23, 2020 by

Categories: Biblical History, Historical Evidence, Philosophical, Resurrection


Precisely why Christ was crucified is a question posed by curious Christians throughout the centuries. There is no real doubt the crucifixion occurred – it is one of the best-documented events in ancient history.  The Scriptures, as well as extra-Biblical history, support the historicity of Christ’s crucifixion.  Ancient Greco-Roman sources such as Josephus, Tacitus, and Lucian of Samosata confirm that Christ was crucified. The reason why Christ was crucified is not as obvious to modern Christians who have only marginal knowledge of the Old Testament.  As Bart Ehrman, an agnostic, notes, [If] Jesus had simply been a great moral teacher,… Read More »

Sign of Jonah

The giant fish which swallowed Jonah may have been a whale.

The Sign of Jonah Christians are very familiar with the story of Jonah in the Old Testament.  The Reader’s Digest version is that Jonah was a Jewish prophet who was called to go to the capital city of the Assyrian empire – Nineveh.  The Assyrians were particularly troublesome of the northern ten tribes of Israel due to repeated military conflicts.  Eventually, the Assyrians would conquer the ten tribes them away into slavery and captivity.  Jonah was to preach repentance to these people with the understanding they could then repent and avoid God’s judgment. The problem was that Jonah was not… Read More »

Historicity of the Resurrection

The resurrection of Christ is the central feature of Christianity.

Posted on April 15, 2020 by

Categories: Biblical History, Historical Evidence, Philosophical, Resurrection


The historicity of the resurrection has been debated for many years.  The “minimal facts argument was developed by Gary Habermas for his Ph.D. dissertation to evaluate the possibility that the resurrection was an actual historical event and not just a nice story invented by an ancient culture. While secular scholars might disagree as to whether Christ rose from the dead in bodily form and revealed himself to multitudes of people, they do agree on several facts concerning the event.  These critical scholars can be liberal Christians, agnostic, or even atheist in their religious views as long as they are specialists… Read More »

The Body was Taken

The Garden Tomb in Jerusalem - one of the traditional burial sites of Christ.

Posted on December 14, 2019 by

Categories: Biblical History, Philosophical, Resurrection


Skeptics counter the Christian’s claim that Christ was resurrected with the assertion that the body was taken. It certainly seems a lot easier to believe that the body was somehow taken and disposed of somewhere rather than believe in a miracle. As David Hume, the famous Scottish philosopher of the 18th century noted, the resurrection might have happened, but it is much more likely something else occurred. We need to answer that skepticism before believing in a miracle of any kind. Modern scientists discount an Intelligent Designer in a similar manner. They would argue if we do not know how… Read More »

Resurrection as a Myth

Resurrection is thought of as a myth by modern skeptics. Osiris is an ancient Egyptian resurrection event after he was assembled from his chopped up body parts.

Posted on December 13, 2019 by

Categories: Biblical History, Philosophical, Resurrection

Skeptics describe the resurrection of Christ as a myth. Throughout history, there have been resurrection stories. Skeptics will believe the Christian resurrection story is just another one of them. Some of these stories bear little resemblance to the Biblical account of Christ’s resurrection. Some of the most famous such as the Egyptian deities Osiris and Horus, involve being chopped up into pieces and thrown into the Nile. Others from Greek mythology involve demigods and marital affairs. Other resurrection stories demonstrate a closer resemblance but trace their origins to after Christ’s resurrection. But why should the skeptic believe in a Christian… Read More »

Objections to the Resurrection

Christian Cross

Posted on November 25, 2019 by

Categories: Biblical History, Historical Evidence, Philosophical, Resurrection


Some modern theologians have objections to the resurrection.  However, most historians – even the atheist and agnostic ones – agree on the historicity of the events surrounding the resurrection of Christ. The minimal facts approach proposes at least five facts which are generally agreed by everybody; Christ Died by Crucifixion The Empty Tomb There were Credible Witnesses to the Resurrection Many of the Original Skeptics were Converted to Christianity The Explosive Growth of the Christian Church There are still some imaginative excuses offered by skeptics who may not agree with some or all of the above noted minimal facts. These… Read More »

The Resurrection

The resurrection of Christ is at the center of Christianity; if not true, then Christianity is false.

Posted on November 24, 2019 by

Categories: Biblical History, Historical Evidence, Philosophical, Resurrection


The resurrection of Christ is at the center of Christianity. While there may be different beliefs among churches as to exactly what Christ’s resurrection means for mankind, the historicity of the resurrection is a central belief shared by all Christian faiths. It is one of those non-negotiable beliefs that is required to be called a Christian. If there was no resurrection, then all the sacrifices Christians have made over hundreds of years, all the money invested in Christianity, all the time and service spent by countless millions of people, all of it would be useless. It would mean we are… Read More »

The Rolling Stones

The Garden Tomb in Jerusalem - one of the traditional burial sites of Christ.

Posted on November 22, 2019 by

Categories: Archaeology, Biblical History, Historical Evidence, Philosophical, Resurrection

According to the most popular Bible translations, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary arrived at Christ’s tomb and found the stone protecting the entrance to the tomb mysteriously had been “rolled away.” Most of the tombs in ancient Jerusalem had huge stones blocking the opening of the tomb in order to close it off from the outside world. The tomb was protected by these blocking stones for ritualistic reasons but also for practical purposes to keep wild animals out of the tombs. It has been a tradition to believe the stone that was in front of the opening to the… Read More »

Bones of Caiaphas


The bones of the ancient Jewish High Priest Caiaphas Caiaphas have been found.  He is one of the most despised New Testament figures – right up there with Pilate.  Caiaphas was an important official in Jerusalem and is named multiple times in the New Testament.  He served for eighteen years (AD 18-36) as a high priest appointed by the Roman government.  As such, he had two loyalties; one to the Jewish population for whom he served as their high priest, but also to the Roman government who appointed him. Caiaphas and Annas Annas was the father-in-law of Caiaphas (John 18:13)… Read More »