"Science" Article Items

Science and religion should be mutually compatible and supportive; when they are not, there is something wrong about our understanding. The progress of science has provided increasing evidence for the truth of Scripture; never before in the history of humanity has there been so much supportive evidence.

Evolution of New Enzymes

The evolution of new enzymes by bacteria is discussed.

Posted on October 22, 2022 by

Categories: Intelligent Design, Science

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The evolution of new enzymes for the digestion of nylon and plastics has been used to support Darwinian evolution.  But is this the case, or do these new enzymes illustrate the limits of evolution? The Emergence of Nylon Nylon was first developed in the 1930s and used commercially in a nylon-bristled toothbrush in 1938.  The greatest use of nylon was in women’s stockings. This use was illustrated at the 1939 New York World’s Fair and sold commercially soon afterward.  Nylon stockings became an instant commercial success, with 64 million pairs sold the first year they became available.  Wartime use diverted… Read More »

Why Mass Matters

The Christmas Star or Star of Bethlehem was a stellar event which was visible continuously or intermittently for multiple months.

Posted on September 12, 2021 by

Categories: Cosmology, Science


Astronomy found that its mass determines nearly every aspect of a star’s physics; in the end, mass matters most.  Its mass and lifespan primarily determine the star’s place on the HR diagram.  The star’s position on the HR diagram determines its absolute brightness and color. The problem was that astronomers did not understand why this was so at the beginning of the twentieth century. First, they had thought that maybe younger stars would burn brighter, but this was not necessarily so.  Then astronomers hypothesized that larger stars would be brighter, which is also not necessarily so. The reason why so… Read More »

Star Clusters

Star Cluster M15.

Posted on September 10, 2021 by

Categories: Cosmology, Science


Stars are not uniformly distributed throughout the night sky but are often clumped together in star clusters.  These star clusters were of some nuisance to astronomers trying to discover comets or deep sky objects because they appeared similar to the casual observer. Charles Messier gained some fame in cataloging some of these annoying clusters so they could not be confused with other objects, especially comets.  His occupation as the Astronomer of the Navy for the government of France afforded him some opportunity to gain familiarity with the night sky.  He made a catalog of star clusters so that he and… Read More »

Stellar Mass

Posted on September 6, 2021 by

Categories: Cosmology, Science


The next mystery to be addressed by astronomy concerned stellar mass.  Henry Russel proposed in 1914 that the hotter, more luminous stars had greater mass, while the cooler stars had a lower mass.  This means that the stars on the upper left of the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram had a greater stellar mass and had a blue color, while those on the lower right corner of the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram were red stars with much lower masses. Unfortunately, early in the twentieth century, there was no way astronomers could measure stellar mass. How astronomers figured this out represents one of the greatest accomplishments… Read More »

The Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) Diagram

Sirius and White Dwarf

Posted on September 4, 2021 by

Categories: Cosmology, Science


The Hertzsprung-Russell diagram is foundational to an understanding of stars and virtually everything astronomers have learned about stars, galaxies, and the universe.  The diagram plots the absolute magnitude of a star against its spectrum. Thus, to put any star on the diagram, we only need to know its surface temperature (which relates to its spectral type) and absolute brightness. Astronomers can determine the spectral type for visible stars if the telescope can gather enough light.  The amount of light collected from a star can be increased with a larger telescope, longer collections time, or more sensitive equipment. In addition, astronomers… Read More »

Fossil Apes

The theory that humans developed from apes has a difficult fossil record.

Posted on May 19, 2021 by

Categories: Biology, Science

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Fossil Apes and Man The prevailing scientific narrative regarding human evolution is that humans originated from the great apes and that this evidence is clear.  The 150 years since Darwin speculated that human originated from the monkeys as seen the number of proposed human ancestors explode in number.  There is little agreement in the scientific community concerning the origins of the human lineage (“hominins”) due to the large number of putative ancestors. The prestigious peer-reviewed journal Science has taken a look at this controversy.  Paleoanthropologists have attempted to reconstruct the physical characteristics of human ancestors, where this ancestor originated, and how… Read More »

Long Term Evolution Experiment

Posted on March 6, 2021 by

Categories: Biology, Science

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The long-term evolution experiment is one of the most exciting studies on the feasibility of evolution to produce complicated metabolic systems and new systems of information within cells. Evolution holds that mutations occur through natural processes which by chance, produce advantageous changes.  These changes enhance the organism’s ability to survive and thus over time, become dominant within the population. The problem with substantiating evolution is that these changes take considerable time to accumulate within a population and show a survival benefit. Since people reproduce every 25 years, the time required to see inherited beneficial mutations accumulates with a human population… Read More »

Repetitive DNA

Posted on February 27, 2021 by

Categories: Biology, Science

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Much of the non-protein-coding portions of DNA consists of repetitive DNA sequences.  This seemingly wasteful repetition of DNA sequences has been taken as support for evolution.  Certainly, a wise and intelligent designer would not have included nonsensical repetitive sequences of nucleic acids in the DNA molecule. This support for evolution was proposed by Kenneth Miller when he noted that, the human genome is littered with so many repeated copies of pointless DNA sequences that it cannot be attributed to anything that resembles [an] intelligent design. Francis Collins, an evangelical Christian and believer in theistic evolution, acknowledge this DNA feature in… Read More »

Willful Blindness

RNA and DNA are very similar in structure although they perform different functions in the cell.

Willful Blindness Preconceived notions can prevent otherwise intelligent and discerning people from recognizing the obvious. The editor of an obscure journal Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington decided to publish a paper making the case for intelligent design.  Intelligent design is a controversial theory that suggests that life is too complex to have been self-assembled by accident.  Instead – as with all extremely complex machines that perform a function – it was put together by an intelligent designer. The Smithsonian Institute helps to fund and run this journal and, within hours voiced its intense displeasure that any favor would… Read More »